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Mini-sites and landing pages

1 page website, landing page, mini site, simple website

A mini-site is a simple, static website, to present your activities. It can be used as a very focused, informative website, which will be well-indexed in Google. Optionally it is possible to have this website managed by yourself.

A landingspage can be used to highlight 1 of your activities or products: as these pages rank well in search engines like Google, you can easily catch visitors, and turn them into customers. The secret to their success is their focus to that one product or activity.

With every mini-site or landingspage comes:Mini-sites of landingspagina
  • tailor made layout, based on your corporate identity, or the activity's or product's branding
  • strong focus on SEO, or search engine optimization, for good rankings in Google
  • 1 page, more pages can be set up as well
  • by default static (managed by us), but optionally a Content Management System can be included, so you can manage the content yourself


Ideal for my situation?

A mini-site is ideal if you do not plan to change your website frequently, or if you are satisfied with a simple, static website. You can easily set up one or multiple landing pages to highlight your products or services, to get a better ranking in Google. Is this you? Contact us for an offer!

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